In creative working life there are a myriad of distractions that chip away, reduce and hinder your creativity.
Among these distractions, the major creativity-quashing culprits are Network Tools; e-mail, SMS, social media and the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat… part of a list that will only continue to get longer.
Creatives are ideas people. Your job is to come up with and implement new ideas on a daily, weekly, monthly basis and to do this you need some headspace.
Network Tools fill that headspace with constant activity. They fill your head with thoughts that consume your attention, send your mind in distracting directions and stop you from accessing flow.
John Long, Group Creative Director at Ogilvy wrote an article ‘Why iPhones are killing your creativity’ in Campaign Magazine. He astutely describes the level of distraction that happens when we seemingly ‘work’ on a project: